Friday, 18 December 2009

Mary Ellen Mark

I found Mary Ellen Mark when I was stalking a girl on facebook whom I greatly admire and who has no knowledge of my existence, because am a creep like that lol. I noticed in her profile pictures a shockingly raw and humanistic picture that portrayed a young girl with heavy make-up and a skimpy bathing suit,smoking while a fat girl of the same age lounging in a tub pool. It was just so raw that I got transfixed. I learned that it was a Mary Ellen Mark photo and immediately began my quest to find more about her and her wonderful work. I discovered that her photographs are pieces of humanity captured in eternity in the form of pixels and that humans will always be the most fascinating subject to humans.

There is no intricate world like that of a human's...


eni said...

Mary Ellen Mark rocks.
have you been stalkin nuvole?;))
she loves Mary Ellen Mark

Ocean drift... said...

hahahaha, ca me kape mat o En.
I knew it was Mary Ellen Mark nga convo-ja jote me Klodin se doja te dija se kush e kishte bere foton.
Po ishte e veshtire me gjet foto te saja mi...
I also checked out Joseph Szlavo and I fell in love with his work too. Na thuj noi tjeter, you got good taste :)

eni said...

hehehe i love Joseph..

Francesca Woodman
Sally Mann
David Prifti (po po eshte shqipo;)
Robert Vuno

dhe shume shume te tjere po qekam dru nga menja tani;)

shifi dhe kto gallerite e mija qe kam bere me foto te preferuara nga flickr jam e sigurte qe do te pelqejne.

gezuar festat;)