Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Delusional Sinner

You know, what does one do with a broken heart? Do you pick up the pieces and try to glue them back in, their sharp edges piercing your flesh in the process? Is there even the option of discarding the broken pieces and acquiring yourself a brand new heart, with no wounds or past scars or malfunctions of any kind? What do you do when the sobs of crying are too strong for you to even catch your breath? What do you do to console such a person? What do you do to console such a state of emotional being? What do you, goddamn do? I wish I knew…I wish someone could tell me, I wish there was a manual on it somewhere, I wish and I wish and I wish and yet, there is no restitution. There is nothing left, but heartache and salty tears, dry mouth and succumbed screams, bad breath and crushed dreams. There is nothing left but the ashes of what was once there and there is definitely nothing left, but broken promises. How do you break your own heart? How? How does one cope with the pain of shooting your own heart and killing it? What to do with the aftermath and the surrounding bloodbath? How do you get rid of the blood on your hands, the one that splattered when you killed his heart too, while ultimately killing yours? How do you wash the memories away? How do you live with it? Someone must know…